Wednesday, 2 January 2013

New year.......New Start!!

Firstly, I'd like to just give a bit of background info. 
I'm Sarah a 30 something from Swindon UK. I have always been a "big girl" Since about the age of 5 I started gaining weight, always the chubby child.

"Its puppy fat", "She'll lose it when she's older" They used to say............Unfortunately this Wasn't the case. Here is when it changes.

Life has always gotten in the way before. I used to be a bit of a party girl, out drinking every weekend and of course the hangover cure consisting of either a full English fry up or a McDonald's breakfast. 

Then I met Lee. We settled down, moved in together.......Felt we didn't need to try to impress anyone......Slowly the pounds piled on.

This is what happened. 

Yes, this is me...In David Tennants TARDIS (for those who know Doctor Who).

I was around 19 Stone here! Not good for someone of my height 5"2in.

I felt horrible! This isn't a good look for me! I decided to do something about it. I lost about 7lb by myself just by cutting out all the crap and monitoring my calorie intake using My Fitness Pal. An iPhone app. 

It was useful for a while, however I didn't really like "running out" of calories for the day. Especially when I like to snack in the evenings. 

I then plucked up the courage to go to our local Slimming World group. There we met Steve, a male group leader who made me and my FiancĂ© feel welcome. 

He explained to us how the plan worked. Free food...Healthy extra's, Syns and Superfree foods. It sounded confusing at first but I got the hang of it. 

A few months later I looked like this.

I think you would agree this is a hell of a lot better. I was around 15 Stone 3lb in this one.

I then got quite complacent. Not staying at group....Thinking next week it'll come off...Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Now I am here. New year, new start.

Here I weigh 15 stone 10.5 lbs Christmas and not caring has made me gain at least 7lb. 

I do not want to be the one people describe as the "big girl" any more.

This blog is to help me keep track of my thoughts and feelings during my journey......If you would like to follow please do, Any words of encouragement are much appreciated.




  1. Way to go Hunny x I'll be there to support you and help motivate all the way! You can do this!!!

  2. You can do this! If I can stop drinking 4+ bottles of Coke a day after 20 years of doing so, you can do this!

  3. Go girl! Kick ass! C u in class :)
